The Future is Female

Portrait Christopher Weber-Fürst
© Christopher Weber-Fürst -

Christopher Weber-Fürst About More We-Oriented Work

Hi, my name is Christopher Weber Fürst. I am a Norwegian coach and I focus on coaching women. I have just finished writing a book and it is called the Future is Female – leading from the future as it emerges. So what does that really mean? How can woman and the men think like them rule the future?

We are moving towards a more holistic and integrative approach in many areas of individual life, society and business, since most of our approaches so far have been dominated and implemented by men. And it is pretty clear that one gender cannot represent the whole. The perspective of a more female future is an amendment and a paradigm shift in this direction.

This is not about feminism or female power movements, but a natural and healthy development process. Business and leadership needs strong communication skills and the ability to see the broader picture, needs understanding of others and the ability to empathize, needs focus on the team rather than on power games. I have seen the amazing results when women become aware of these female assets and take steps to optimize their unique strengths and respond to challenges. So what are those female qualities?

  • When it comes to leadership: values traditionally associated with woman create more effective leaders and organizational strategies in today’s society.
  • Career management and self-improvement: traits associated with him and flexibility empathy and honesty underpin carrying mobility and personal fulfilment.
  • Change management: we need to be change managers. Feminine traits help us adapt seamlessly and effectively to today changes.

For me, coaching is about finding the best version of yourself and taking this journey is demanding. When Norway during 2003 decided to introduce a 40% female quota on all public boards, I decided I would direct my work to support women all over the world to find and live from their inner voice. I consider this to be the most important issue whatsoever in today’s society for us, the inhabitants of the only planet we have, to co-create a common and really sustainable future.

We actually know a lot about the future trends for the next twenty to thirty years and it is to meet the requirements of the future leader that I call my coaching program Triple A. AAA. Being Aware, Authentic and Autonomous. It focuses on the development of your personality, supporting your true nature, helping you to step beyond ego drives and inner constructs, developing your inner wisdom and finding a new maturity on several levels of intelligence. It is the most in-depth training on the leaders personality I have got to know so far.

And I look forward to seeing you on the 21st of May.

Lesen Sie hier mehr über die Frauenquote in Norwegen.

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