Portrait Christopher Weber-Fürst

The Future is Female

Christopher Weber-Fürst About More We-Oriented Work

We are moving towards a more holistic and integrative approach in many areas of individual life, society and business, since most of our approaches so far have been dominated and implemented by men. And it is pretty clear that one gender cannot represent the whole. The perspective of a more female future is an amendment and a paradigm shift in this direction.

Portrait Christopher Weber-Fürst

11 Years of Female Quotas in Norway – What Has Happened?

Christopher Weber-Fürst about the situation in Norway, where they introduced the quota 11 years before

In 2003 a 40% female quota on board of all public stock exchange organizations was introduced in Norway. At that time I was a newly trained coach and decided to focus on how I could support women in creating their career and at the same time have a healthy life/work balance. Also here in Germany the suggestion of a 30% quota has been introduced and it has been a very interesting discussion for and against it. All the arguments in the debate here are exactly the same as in Norway,